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MAMI 2017


Language : Hindi
Director : Anurag Kashyap

This was the opening film at MAMI this year. Which means that it is screened right after the opening ceremony. I don't know when it will release in the theatres. Generally, it takes around 6 months after screening at MAMI.
Mukkabaaz is based in a small town of UP where Shravan Singh (Vineet Kumar Singh) aspires to be a famous boxer and compete nationally. His coach is Bhagwan Das Mishra (Jimmy Shergill) who makes everyone run his errands instead of training them. Shravan Singh falls for Bhagwan Das's niece and everything changes.
Does Shravan marry the niece? Does he become a successful boxer? How does he deal with Bhagwan Das?
The movie is a typical Anurag Kashyap film with lots of expletives, realistic look at the game in rural UP mixed with first of its kind love story.
It has lots of flaws but I only remember the hooting, cheering, clapping of 500 or so people at every scene.

Montparnesse Bienvenue

Language : French
Director : Leonor Serraille

I had read the synopsis but walked into the movie without a booking on Sunday.
Paula has returned from her trip abroad and her ex flame, Joachim, won't let her crash at his place. She takes his cat, her stuff and starts life anew. There is a scene which is memorable because it has the best rant I have heard in a while. Without money or shelter, friends or family, Paula is trying to make a life in Paris from scratch. One of the most interesting female characters I have seen in a while. Paula is chaos, but with a heart.
Do catch this movie as soon as it's available for viewing.

Patti Cakes

Language : English
Director : Geremy Jasper

I walked into this movie 20 mins late but don't think I missed much. Patricia aka Patti Cakes is an aspiring rapper in New Jersey. She is an overweight white female and hence, not taken seriously in the rapper community. She teams up with her Indian friend and a black guy to form a band. In between trying to make a living and record rap songs, Patti Cakes is on her way to becoming something.

Ho hum typical Hollywood cliched movie. I really like the rap bit.

On the beach at night alone 

Language : Korean
Director : Sang-soo Hong

I walked into this movie 20 mins late and there were 2 women discussing relationships. Most of the movie has only these 2 characters. One of them, the main lead, is taking a vacation at a seaside town and waiting for her lover, who is a married man, to join her. Too much relationship talk going nowhere.
This movie is the kind of conversations I avoid in my real life and find extremely boring.

The Florida Project

Language : English
Director : Sean Baker

The movie is about Moonee and her mother, Halley, who live in a motel in Florida. This is based on actual lives of people who live in motels because they have nowhere else to go. They live from pay check to pay check and pay the motel rates on a weekly basis. Moonee is the most fun child character I have seen in a while.
This was the last film I watched at MAMI this year.

Daha (More) 

Language : Arabic/Turkish
Director : Onur Saylak

Gaza, a 14 year old boy, and his father smuggle people from Middle East to nearby Greece. They are part of the smuggling chain and their basement is used to house the people till they can be sent out on the boat. There is a book on which this movie is based. But Gaza's father isn't doing this out of the kindness of his heart. He makes money out of it. He also rapes the refugees since they are at his mercy.
Gaza has a choice- he can become like his father or rebel and take a different route. Which one does he choose? I don't know because I walked out an hour before the end.
The movie does not have many dialogues so it's a little difficult to connect with the characters and understand what they are thinking.

Mon Mon Monsters and Supergirl

Language : Taiwanese

I can't find anything about this movie online. Watching this was a last minute decision and I had to keep my fingers crossed through traffic and run through the mall to reach PVR, Kurla.
The movie is about 3 bullies, the girlfriend of the leader and a nice guy who is stuck among them. As a punishment in school, the nice guy is asked to go to a senior citizen's home as part of community service. The bullies offer to join him. They create havoc there. While leaving, they come across a ghoul (supernatural creature) and kidnap it. They torture the creature in the worst possible way and her sister comes looking for them.

This movie is funny and yet touching. It shows how horrible humans can be even as kids. Such a brilliant, brilliant watch.

I am not a witch

Language : English
Director : Rungano Nyoni

This movie set in Zambia is about witch camps that still exist in Ghana. An 8 year old girl, Shula, is accused of being a witch in a small village. She is sent to a witch camp where there are other old women living and working in the fields. They are tied by a rope and cannot run away. A government official, Mr Banda, exploits Shula.
How does it end for Shula?

A movie that will make you laugh and cry at the absurdity of the situation, sometimes at the same time. I loved this movie. Don't miss it once it releases.

On Body and Soul

Language : Hungarian
Director : Ildiko Enyedi

This is such a beautiful movie. Endre is a CFO at a slaughterhouse and Maria has joined as the quality inspector. She is an introvert and has autism. She keeps her communication with people to the minimum and never joins them for lunch or chats at work. Endre and Maria discover that they have been meeting in their dreams as deer and fall in love. They try to bring that chemistry into the real life too but it isn't as simple as that.

I loved this beautiful love story.

Ralang Road

Language : Nepali
Director : Karma Takapa

This movie has been shot in Sikkim. There is a robbery and it brings 4 characters together. I wish I could tell you more but in the span of an hour I couldn't figure out what the hell was happening or where this movie was going.


What will people say

Language : Norwegian/Hindi
Director : Iram Haq

This was my favourite at MAMI. A movie about a teenager who is a different person at home with her parents and just trying to live her life outside home in Norway. It's a story all of us in India can identify with. She is caught with her boyfriend and her dad sends her to Pakistan to his sister. She has no way to escape and tries to adjust to life in Pakistan. An unfortunate incident where she is accused of being a slut, makes her dad take her back to Norway. She is kept under strict supervision and restrictions.
I have so much to say about this movie. So much. I cried so much at the end. And it's the true story about the director herself.
Don't miss this one when it releases.


Language : English
Director : Darren Aronofsky

This bat shit crazy movie starring Jennifer Lawrence, Ed Harris, Michelle Pfeiffer and Javier Bardem was one of the most popular movies at MAMI this year with people queuing up since 7 am for a 10.30 am show on a Sunday. I couldn't figure out exactly what it was about and had to read about it.

Apparently, the movie is based on the Book of Genesis. Mother is Mother Earth, Him is God. There are Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel and Jesus. But you wouldn't realise any of it without reading about it first.
The director has tried too hard and it's obvious.


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